Kodaka elaborates that Junko's appears to have toxic love towards her classmates due to how rather than killing them, she forces them to kill each other as she believes that despair is the ultimate salvation for people. "I wanted to create a character who is bad because she is evil, who only desires outright desperation. With no possibility of redemption, the idea that absolute evil is something desirable and pleasant. So one way I thought of showing that was to make a very cute character that was visually appealing to look at." - Kazutaka Kodaka As bad as she is, she is so powerful and charming that she draws you in. However, at the same time Kodaka felt he was "cheating" himself when writing Junko as her character almost has no motivation for the harsh crimes she commits in the story. Kodaka later confirmed Junko's motives to be rooted in her polyamory and love for the entirety of her 77th (and 78th class), seeking to induce more despair on someone the more they meant to them. Early concept art for the character depicts her with smaller pigtails, a white skirt, and an overall golden color scheme with red and black highlights, elements of which were also adopted for the character's fraternal twin sister Mukuro Ikusaba. The character's resurrection in Goodbye Despair was left to the player's interpretation. Kodaka compared the theory of whether or not she is dead or alive to Western villains like the Joker from Batman who continuously are brought back to life. However, Kodaka claims Junko can be killed.